Beauty Treatments
Acupuncture Injection Therapy (Biopuncture) is a Homeopathic Cosmetic Injection Therapy approved by the State of Florida for clinical use to nourish and rejuvenate the skin primarily in the face, neck, and decollete area of the chest. We use sterile, pharmaceutical grade homeopathic injection solutions in glass ampoules. Small amounts of sterile Homeopathic solutions are injected into the skin to stimulate the body’s own production of collagen, filling wrinkles, lifting, tightening and rejuvenating. Unlike other cosmetic treatments like Botox and fillers, Homeopathic Injection therapy is completely safe, non-toxic and natural.
This gentle therapy is a very effective, safe and natural therapy to enhance facial beauty, lift sagging areas and increase collagen to fill in wrinkles and help retard facial aging. Combined with internal herbs for beauty, supplements, topical organic herbs, soaps, masks, etc. it facilitates luminous skin or a very robust anti-aging strategy.
Biopuncture has minimal side-effects, and almost no systemic absorption and no down time. Biopuncture is a specific injection method, clearly differentiated from other injection methods applied in medical practice. Call or email me today to schedule your Biopuncture appointment. Your younger and more beautiful self is just a phone call away…